Monday, March 2, 2015

Mobile Advertising Campaign

Mobile Advertising Campaign Manager

The Mobile Advertising Campaign Manager (MAd) enables Mobile Network Operators and advertisers to define and create advertising campaigns using a web based campaign editor.  Advertisements are sent to subscribers in the form of text and menus, and the product makes use of the browsing and dynamic SIM toolkit abilities of Logos Solvo’s S@T Express suite.


MAd is an innovative approach to consumer marketing with a high penetration potential, since subscribers are reached on an individual basis.  This application, thanks to its powerful profiling capabilities and an easy and intuitive campaign management interface, offers an opportunity for MNOs to take advantage of the market’s need to reach individual customers and maximize the return on their marketing investment.
Key Features
  • Campaign Editor for creating and testing multi-phased interactive advertising campaigns.

  • Profiling module for creating and maintaining subscriber profiles.

  • Targeting module for selecting subscribers for a campaign, based on their profile information.

  • Scheduling of campaigns for maximum exposure.

  • Campaign Manager for administration of running campaigns.

  • Campaign reporting.

  • Loyalty and rewards for participating in the advertising service.

  • Tools for preparing the Quotation to the advertisers before the campaign commences.
Benefits to Network Operators
  • New revenue stream. Advertising third parties’ products can add an additional revenue stream for MNOs.

  • Subscriber database building. The MNO is able to build extensive profiles on their subscribers over time.

  • Effective marketing of the MNO’s own services.  The system can be used to inform subscribers of new products launched by the MNO, making MAd an effective communication tool for the MNO.

  • Customer Retention. Subscribers earn loyalty points for getting information that is applicable to them. This makes them less likely to leave to a competitor network.
Benefits to Subscribers
  • New service. Subscribers receive information that they are interested in, and earn value on that.

  • Enhanced user experience. Subscribers have full control and can opt out at any time.

Create a Free Ad on Your Facebook Page

How to Create a Free Ad on Your Facebook Page

Here's how to create a free ad on your Facebook page, like the one we made on the left side of our Heraghty Internet Facebook page
Warning: You'll need to know a little HTML to do this.

1. From your facebook page (assuming you are an admin), go to "Edit page > More applications > Browse More".
2. Search for ""Static FBML":", click the link to it, then click "Add to my page".
3. Return to "Edit Page" and scroll down the list of applications until you see "Static FBML" app.
4. Click the "Edit" link beneath the "Static FBML" heading.
5. Now enter your desired HTML. Be creative -- remember, ultimately, this ad is going to end up on the left side of your wall. See the image below for the HTML that I used, and the resulting "ad", which links back to 
6. Save the changes.
7. View your page. You should see a box in your ‘boxes’ tab.
8. To move your box to the left column, just click on the blue pencil and "move to wall tab". This will give it the appearance of being an ad.
9. Finally, if you want to delete the boxes tab, click on the pencil of the boxes tab and click "Delete tab". I recommend doing this as some users visiting your page will be confused about what "boxes" are.

Create a Facebook Business Page

How to Create a Facebook Business Page in 5 Simple Steps

The time has passed when Facebook was a "good idea" for businesses to try. It's now essential to your inbound marketing strategy. Thing is, Facebook keeps changing how to set up Facebook business pages -- both on the large scale with the rollout of Facebook Timeline, and on a smaller scale with new features that are rolling out all the time.
Don't waste another day poking around aimlessly on Facebook, trying to figure out what the heck to do to get your Timeline up and running like a social networking pro. This post will break it down so literally anyone -- novices and experts alike -- can set up their brand's Facebook Timeline 100% correctly. Either follow this step-by-step video tutorial, or read the transcribed steps below, to get your business on Facebook today.

1) Choose a Classification

Navigate to the following URL in a new tab to create your business page on Facebook: 
Once there, choose from one of the following six classifications:
  • Local business or place
  • Artist, band, or public figure
  • Company, organization, or institution
  • Entertainment
  • Brand or product
  • Cause of community
This classification will help you rank for more relevant searches and provide relevant information fields on your page.
After selecting one of the six, choose the category you're in and fill out your business name (or if you selected one of the other options, your brand or company name). The business option also asks for further location information. Keep in mind that your category and name cannot be changed once your page is created. So type wisely, otherwise you’ll have to delete the entire page and start anew.

2) Complete Basic Information

Upload Photo

Facebook will now prompt you to upload the main photo for your page. This photo will appear as your icon every time you comment on a post or appear in news feeds. Ideally, it should be your company logo. The actual dimensions of your profile picture is 180X180. This will shrink on your page to appear as 125X125.

About Section

Next, you need to write your 'About' information. This small blurb will serve as the main 2-3 sentence description for your company. It will be on your main page, so make it descriptive but succinct. Be sure to include a link to your company website as well. Also ensure that this information differentiates your brand, making your page even more appealing to potential followers. 

3) Use Your Admin Panel

Your admin panel is the main hub for managing your business page. It's filled with various features and options to optimize your page and your monitoring of that page.

Edit Page

The 'Edit Page' option in the upper right provides various options. The first option, 'Update Info,' allows you to update the basic information you provided earlier in the tutorial. This will also allow you to enter a description, which is an extended version of the 'About' information you entered earlier. Users only see the description by literally clicking 'About' on your business page, so you should feel comfortable sharing lengthier and more detailed information in your description.
You can also manage the roles of your page administrators. This allows you to invite various employees from your business to be administrators on your Facebook page in order to respond to comments or messages specific to their function, without giving them complete power over your page. The other options under 'Edit Page' allow you to manage your notifications and add page permissions.

Build Audience

Often, marketers get so excited they started a Facebook page that they invite users right away. But challenge yourself to think about a more strategic method for inviting users. First, you want your page filled with content. Then invite your brand advocates to start engaging with that content. Once your page has some interactions, invite more fans and contacts, and they'll be more interested to like the page when they see the buzzing hub it is. From that point, it's at your discretion if you'd like to use Facebook's advertising tools to further promote the page.

4) Fill the Page With Content

Cover Photo

With the introduction of Timeline came the introduction of your best visual real estate on your business page: the cover photo. The exact dimensions of this cover photo are 851X315. Be sure to select a creative horizontal image that will appeal to users who land on your page.

facebook cover photo dimensions

Custom Tabs

Facebook also allows you to have an endless amount of tabs on your page. As you can see in the image above, you can only customize four of them -- meaning only four can appear on the page before the user has to click the arrow to see the rest. Think critically about what you want to appear in these four slots, whether it's events, photos, groups, etc. Keep in mind that if you use third party applications, you should configure the tabs to be indexed on Facebook and not on the third party server.


When posting on your page, be sure to use a variety of content. What images would your audience like to see? What stats would they like to read? What links would they like to click? You can also click the little star to the upper right of any post to highlight it horizontally across your entire page. Not only will this make it look like you have a cover photo on your actual timeline of posts, but it will highlight the page as a milestone in your company history. Use this feature for product announcements, business anniversaries, and other major events pertinent to your brand.


While having a gorgeous Facebook page is awesome, you want to ensure you're monitoring how fans are interacting with it. To the upper right of your Admin panel, you'll see all the private messages users are sending to your page. Meanwhile, the upper left and center of the panel shows all the posts users are liking and commenting on. Be sure to respond to comments and messages as needed to ensure your fans know you not only care about them, but to avoid the detrimental impact of ignoring these folks. In fact, according to Gartnerfailure to respond via social channels can lead to up to a 15% increase in churn rate for existing customers.

5) Measure Your Efforts

At this point, you've built and shared a Facebook business page that accurately represents your business. Now you need to measure your efforts to ensure you're making valuable marketing decisions on Facebook. Click on the 'View Insights' option to the bottom-center of your Admin panel. You'll be able to monitor reach, engagement, and the like in order to help you grow and adapt your Facebook marketing efforts around what's working and what's not. And if you really want to spend time perfecting your Facebook content strategy, watch this brief tutorial on how to analyze exactly that.
And voila! You have a Facebook business page. Now go post interesting content and amass a loyal base of fans!
What additional tips do you have for marketers just getting started on Facebook?
facebook timeline for business pages ebook

Build a winning Digital Marketing Plan

It's Time to Stop Selling and Start Engaging

Discover how you can easily develop your own digital marketing plan that captures the attention of your customers, builds credibility and dramatically expands your online visibility.

A Tool for Insight

A digital marketing plan is a tool for insight. The plan should help establish your goals and provide a liquid path to a solution. The emphasis is on “liquid,” because no matter how well you plan your digital marketing strategy today, you can expect that strategy to require a change in course. This plan was developed to help you reach your goals, come what may.

Grow Your Business with a Digital Marketing Plan

You're in business to make money, and the web provides limitless potential for boosting your revenue.  The Digital Marketing Plan PDF Workbook will show you how to leverage key tactics to increase traffic, improve profit potential and more.

1 - Research - A digital marketing plan is grounded in research.  You will learn how to set clear, achievable outcomes and goals for your digital marketing.  You'll be able to zero in on your target audience with laser accuracy; because when you market to everyone, you convince no one.
2 - Strategy - The digital marketing plan workbook will reveal how to leverage a variety of tools to support your goals, allowing you to create a focused strategy that links everything together online to create a winning digital presence.  Websites, email, mobile, content marketing, social media and more finally work in digital harmony for your benefit.
3 - Tactics - A solid plan will convert more website visitors into real opportunities, engage customers with email and mobile marketing, ensure that you reach the top of Google search pages and tap into social media effectively—Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Blogger, LinkedIn and more.
4 - Measuring Success - You won't know where to go if you don't know where you are.  Discover how tracking and measuring the performance of your digital marketing plan will help you maximize results and change your strategies on the fly to keep your audience engaged.

The Benefits of Implementing a Digital Marketing Plan

You may be focusing all your efforts on new customers, or just improving the reach of your business, but with a complete digital marketing plan you'll see a number of additional benefits.

Improved Customer Retention - Keep people coming back again and again
Build Credibility - Your audience will trust you, and is more likely to opt-in or spend
Greater Visibility - Better search ranks means more traffic, more conversions and more profit
Focused Marketing - Targeting the right audience gets you closer to "buy" and reduces marketing costs
Widespread Reach - Connect with customers all over the web in a variety of places, you'll know exactly how to reach them
Know What Works - Measurement lets you drop what doesn't work and focus on tactics that get results
And so much more.

All of your effort comes together to get more traffic, more customers and more profit

Strategic Marketing

What is Strategic Marketing?

Oxford defines marketing as “the action or business of promoting and selling products or services, including market research and advertising.”
In other words… the intent of marketing is simply to shorten the sales cycle. Strategic Marketing is doing this, well, strategically. Many smaller or mid-size companies (and even big ones for that matter) recognize the need for marketing, but don’t understand what’s involved to put together a successful, strategic campaign.
Many think marketing is one of those “soft” business skills and don’t give it the thought and resources needed to facilitate the achievement of their objectives. “One form of advertising or marketing is just as good as the other,” they think. “We’ve got $50,000 budgeted for marketing this quarter; let’s just use it where the most people will hear about us. We’ll use $35k for TV and the remainder on radio.”
Strategic Marketing calls for a more structured approach where we define what we’re trying to accomplish, measure and analyze the markets and media options and implement an integrated campaign that will help you capture the most value for your budgeted marketing dollars by achieving your defined objectives.
After you have defined you business objectives, the basic thought process should go something like this:

1. IDENTIFY your audience or market

  • If you’re an established business, look at your consumer base and Identify the type of consumer you want more of
  • If you’re a startup, form a clear picture of what type of consumer you want to attract

2. Thoroughly UNDERSTAND your audience or market

  • Where do they live
  • What do they do every day
  • What are their passions
  • What media do they engage with most
  • What messages resonate with them, etc.

3. SELECT the marketing mediums that your target is most engaged with

  • E.g., If your audience is a teeny-bop, communicate with them through Facebook and American Idol
  • If you’re going after business men, you may want to hit them through LinkedIn PPC and a Wall Street Journal print spot

4. DEVELOP a messaging strategy to effectively communicate with your audience

  • With a clear picture of your target audience in your mind, determine what message will most effectively move your target to take the desired action

5. EXECUTE a consistent, integrated campaign across your selected mediums

  • Keep you branding and messaging consistent. You only want one message to stick with your consumers. If you can’t keep it consistent, you’ll become irrelevant in the minds of your audience.
    Each medium has pros and cons. Leverage the pros as much as possible.

6. MONITOR your results and make necessary adjustments along the way

  • If your LinkedIn PPC campaign is driving 30% more new business than your Google Adwords campaign, you may determine it’s best to shift the Adwords funds to the LinkedIn campaign

Internet Marketing

7 Pillars of Internet Marketing

Search Engine Optimization

Understanding several key components to the major search engines’ algorithms, and apply these methodologies to all client websites. Work with businesses of all sizes – small, medium, and large – and from various industries including finance, beauty, retail, technology, professional services, and niche industries.
Use sophisticated on-page and off-page methodologies for websites.

Online Advertising

Manage online advertising budgets through CPC, CPM and CPA banner campaigns and contextual advertising sites. Strong relationship with media networks and bloggers, which helps to reduce the cost of clients advertising campaigns.Employ Google Adwords Certified Professionals and Yahoo Ambassadors.

Email Marketing

Specialize in list acquisition, email design, promotions, tracking and reporting services. Synchronize clients email campaigns with their CRM database in order to track results and ROI.

Interactive PR

Interactive PR is an increasingly growing and fast-paced field. The experienced copywriters and I-PR specialists that can deliver your company’s message to online media sites, bloggers and social networks. 

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate partnership opportunities, from national shopping websites to local media sites.

Web Analytics

A sophisticated methodology for tracking web traffic, leads and sales through in-depth reporting tools, log file analysis, CRM synchronization, lead mining, and much more!

Social Media Marketing 

Social media has become one of the most powerful and cost-effective methods for reaching prospects and customers.

Digital Marketing Pillars

The 7 Pillars of Digital Marketing

Pillar 1
Content Marketing

Pillar 2
UX & Website Design

Pillar 3
Search Engine Optimization

Pillar 4
Digital Media

Pillar 5

Pillar 6
Social Media Marketing

Pillar 7
Mobile Marketing

Digital Marketing Techniques

Digital Marketing Techniques – Social Media, Web Reporting, and Mobile Marketing

Web 2.0 and social media tools can help digital marketers in providing the virtual space and discussion platforms for its readers to express themselves.

Digital Marketing Techniques

Digital Marketing techniques are often a mix of social media, campaign management and mobile marketing. These day’s marketers use digital channels as a part of their campaign management strategy.
There are different techniques used in digital marketing. The key here is which one is most effective to reaching and producing action from the target demographic. The techniques which we choose should be integrated into an overall marketing and communications strategy.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is about interaction. Interaction creates relationships and those relationships open up the opportunity for you to share information about your products and services.
The diagram below shows an approach to a digital marketing strategy; where online investment should be made and how to use social media in context of an overall digital marketing strategy. Build channel partners online. Provide information to the target audience, those who shop online (in this case) and also driving prospective buyers to channel partner stores. This also educates both consumers and your sales staff the value of your brand.
A sales funnel concept is used for turning prospects into new customers.  It’s helped countless businesses to identify opportunities to refine their marketing processes and build their customer base.

Below are some digital strategies used to attract the attention of consumers within a potential market.
  • Create a Facebook fan page.
  • Run a Google AdWords campaign.
  • Ask current customers for referrals, incentivized by discounts.
  • Start an e-newsletter.
  • Prepare a social media calendar.
  • Advertise your business in relevant industry trade magazines.
  • Regularly release quality press releases.
  • Attend local networking events.
  • Start a networking event.
  • Start a rewards program for networking partners.
  • Start a rewards program for loyal customers.
  • Register your business with Foursquare.
  • Reward Foursquare mayors and frequent customers.
  • Write an e-book.
  • Create videos on how to use your product or service.
  • Create videos related to new or unique ways to use your product.
  • Create exclusive content for those that have joined your social networks.
  • Start a blog.
  • Create a Twitter account.
  • Create a LinkedIn account.
  • Look for target companies on LinkedIn.
  • Create a direct mail campaign.
  • Create custom landing pages for all your marketing efforts.
  • Use Social Mention to monitor the conversation about your brand.
  • Optimize a Web page specifically for Yahoo search.
  • Optimize a Web page specifically for Bing search.
  • Write a white paper about your industry.
  • Leave pens with your logo and information on them in strategic locations.
  • Review books on your industry on Amazon.
  • Offer coupons.
  • Leave helpful comments on industry blogs.
  • Open and use Google reader (or any RSS reader).
  • Subscribe to RSS feeds and organize the feeds related to industry and interest.
  • Create lists on Twitter of people in your target market.
  • Use Google Wave to collaborate in real time.
  • Submit your information to Google local.
  • And Many More!

Digital Marketing Tools

6 Digital Marketing Tools to Consider

Digital marketing tools are sure to line the aisle ways at this year’s annual dealer conference. The magazine’s marketing expert lists six solutions you need to consider. 

Dealers on the hunt for new ideas to elevate their online marketing strategy won’t be disappointed this week at the 2012 NADA Convention. To help you complete your mission, here are six items you need to look for while walking the show floor.

1. Mobile Websites and Applications: Google predicts that 85 percent of mobile devices will be web-enabled by the end of 2012. And with mobile traffic increasing exponentially on dealer Websites, attendees will be rewarded if they return to their stores with a better marketing platform.
But before you land on your new mobile website solution, be sure to check how it functions on Apple and Android mobile devices. You may also want to find out what solutions your local competitors are using to see if they’ve found a better solution.

2. Chat Software: Less than 25 percent of dealer sites are using online chat. If you’re apprehensive about using such features on your site, please reconsider. Installing such software can immediately increase high-quality, first-party online leads by 25 to 40 percent.
Best of all, the technology continues to evolve. For instance, solutions are now being integrated with third-party data sources, which should make the chat experience more valuable for your customers. One such provider is CarChat24, which has integrated data from into its chat console.
Additionally, dealers using and may want to stop by the “Contact At Once” booth to learn how to create a unified chat experience on these third-party classified sites, as well as on their own websites.

3. Internet Reputation Marketing: More dealers are realizing that online reviews impact their advertisings’ return on investment, especially since consumers visit more than 18 digital sources — OEM and consumer pricing sites — prior to contacting a dealership.
Leveraging the power of customer reviews will be one of the biggest opportunities for dealers this year, and there will a number of strategies available to dealers to help them implement their reputation marketing plans, including in-store and post-sale strategies. Remember, the best time to capture a customer review is when your customers are in the dealership. And satisfied customers will be more than happy to post an online review when tactfully requested.
Dealers also should visit internet reputation management providers to see which program best fits their store’s culture, workforce and budget. A few fee-based IRM platforms include, and the Automotive Advertising Network (AAN).

4. CRM Software: The glue that holds a dealership’s Internet department together is its customer relationship management (CRM) platform, so it’s crucial that you keep your system updated. Many dealers would be surprised to discover how outdated their CRM software is. Dealers should stop by their current providers’ booths to see what they’ve been working on. Providers have been promising better business intelligence tools, lead-handling workflows and mobile connectivity. Dealers whose contracts are coming up for renewal should be shopping aggressively at NADA 2012, especially since most contracts require a multi-year commitment.
Just remember to weigh the benefits of the solutions you check out, as increasing conversion rates just a few percentage points can easily justify the cost and inconvenience of changing your CRM system.

5. Google Adwords Management: Dealers looking for a low-cost way to increase traffic on their website will most likely consider increasing their Adwords spending in 2012. And as spending for pay-per-click traffic increases, dealers will be seeking out the best tools and vendors to optimize their budgets.
When considering Adwords vendors, be sure to investigate services that offer A/B testing and Google MultiVariate Testing. Finding the optimal landing-page experience that converts clicks into leads should be the goal of all Adwords vendors, but, sadly, this is not the case. Just be sure to investigate all options for third-party Adwords management. Conversations with potential vendors should focus on their fee structure and, more importantly, how customizable their landing pages and conversion testing will be for the dealership.

6. Increasing Show Rates: A new breed of software solutions is coming to market to help increase lead-to-show ratios. Conference attendees should book an appointment with companies such as to better understand how dealers are using targeted incentives to increase show rates after a consumer calls, chats or submits a lead.
Most dealers have strong visitor traffic to their Websites. The need now is figuring out how to leverage that traffic to increase sales and profits. That’s why you’ll see plenty of tools this year that focus on visitor conversion strategies.

Digital marketing plan

Digital marketing plan: avoid five common pitfalls

2013 is the year to change the way you perceive social networking and digital marketing! They key to success is your engaging with your friends and followers. Do not post and run. Would you walk up to someone at a networking event and tell him or her all about you then turn around and walk away? Your social media profile alone does not give you credibility. Through communicating with your social networkers, you can earn credibility and favor. Successful digital media influencers take their Twitter and Facebook accounts very seriously and the relationships they develop are well worth their time.

Avoid five pitfalls in marketing plans. Do not repeat the mistakes that lead to the wrong impressions that social networking is ineffective.

Pitfall #1: Loss of momentum. Too often, we make plans and do not follow through. We might start out strong then allow distractions to redirect our attention. If you start a blog, make a reasonable schedule of times you know can write. It takes about a month to make or break a habit. Work on creating marketing habits and keeping momentum.
Pitfall #2: Giving out the keys to your personal pages. It is one thing to use multiple social network administrators for a company or group page or account, because others expect that, but please be the real person behind your personal account. People are easily irritated by online imposters and undisclosed spokespersons.
Pitfall #3: Hiring a marketing firm and not engaging in the process. Brand and business development is much easier well when a professional or company hires a professional firm to manage and direct publicity, content generation, social media and search. This relationship is a two way street. Your marketing professionals can better help you when you frequently communicate the news you like, the services you enjoy, and other personal aspects of you and your business. You communicate your brand.
Pitfall #4: Talk about relevant and trending topics and news. Learning to find the hook takes time. Ask yourself, “Who cares about what I’m publishing, and why would they?” If you cannot answer your own questions, redirect your efforts. Here is an example: When I teach blog writing to my clients, I explain how I follow popular and trending stories that people will recognize, and when they see an article from a known lawyer about a hot issue, the people reading believe that the author is human and knows current events.
Pitfall #5: Being stuck in impressions and ROI statistics rather than valuing human capital. If you engage and earn a friend who is a Twitter heavyweight with credibility, the value of their re-tweeting your content is substantial. Here is an example: I earned respect from some key industry blog aggregators who now follow me on Twitter to grab and share the content I publish. A few high quality followers are worth more than a volume of non-engagers. Go forth, measure your ROI statistics, and use that information to drive strategy, but do not get lost in the data and ignore humans.

Affiliate Marketing

What exactly is affiliate marketing? Affiliate marketing is the single fastest growth industry on the Internet. It’s also true that affiliate marketing is one of the fastest and most creative ways to make money and have a career on the Internet.

Simply put, affiliate marketing is selling products on a commission basis. You own a business that advertises and sells products for other companies. You may have a product of your own to begin with or not. The things that a successful affiliate marketer must have are:
Your website is the jumping off point of all your marketing efforts. So the first step in any successful affiliate marketing business is building a good, credible and professional looking website (well, this just really depends on who your audience is, because crappy looking sites can be good money makers as well). You must build a user-friendly website, which will attract your prospects and motivate them to click on the links to the products and services you are promoting and make a purchase. There are companies whose business is building websites that you can hire to build one for you.

Types of Affiliate Marketing

1. PPC – Pay-Per-Click is a highly promoted and used affiliate marketing method by affiliates with websites or small websites. This is also the easiest way for them to start making money. Under this method of affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid a commission by the merchant when a visitor visits the merchant’s site through the affiliate’s reference, that is, whenever a visitor clicks and goes to the merchant’s site through the banner or text ads that the affiliate has put up.
A website owner would be given a simple code (html codes) to paste onto any webpage where the website owner wants a visitor to see the advertisements. The ads will be related to the webpage content. Pay per click is free to join but they have very strict policies especially against fraudulent clicks by owners of websites on which the advertisements are displayed.

2. PPP- Pay Per Play:  Pay per Play (PPP) is the latest wave in internet advertising. When a person visits a webpage which hosts these ads, they will hear a single 5 second professional audio advertisement. The advertisement will be relevant to the content of the webpage.

How does this work? It works much like current Pay per Click programs, minus one critical element – there will be no click required by the visitors! 100% of visitors to the webpage will generate revenue for the webpage owner. That’s the Pay Per Play Advantage! Advertisers will bid to have their ad placed on a particular website. The winner’s ad will play when a visitor opens that webpage. In turn, the website owner will get paid for every visitor to his website. The more pages the website owner has with these ads, and the more traffic he has, the more income he will generate.

3. Pay-Per-Performance (PPP) - PPP affiliate marketing is the most popular among merchant and is also the most lucrative type for the affiliates. In this type of affiliate program, the merchant only pays the affiliate whenever his referral translates into an action – that is whenever the visitor he has referred actually buys something from the merchant’s site or when the visitor becomes a lead.

A further classification of Pay-per-performance affiliate marketing can be done into two types: pay-per-sales (PPS) and pay-per-lead (PPL). Both these are very popular:

a) Pay-Per-Sale (PPS) - In a pay-per-sale type of affiliate marketing, the affiliates get the commission from the merchants whenever the visitor he has referred to the merchant’s site actually buys something from the merchant’s site.

b) Pay-Per-Lead (PPL) - The pay-per-lead type of affiliate marketing is a slight variation of the PPS type and is often used by insurance and finance companies and other companies who rely on leads for their company to grow. In this type of affiliate marketing, the affiliate is paid whenever the visitor he referred to the merchant’s site fills up an application form or any similar form related to the business of the company.

4. Single tier – In a single-tier affiliate marketing program, the affiliates are only paid based on the direct sales or traffic he has referred to the merchant.

5. Two tier Affiliate marketing program – In two-tier affiliate marketing programs, the affiliate is not only paid for the direct traffic or sales that he refers to the merchant’s site, but also on every traffic or sales referred by various other affiliates who joined the affiliate program through his recommendation.

6. Multi tier Affiliate marketing program – In Multi-tier affiliate marketing , although the affiliate gets additional commission for a wider number of affiliates in different tiers in the affiliate network.

7.  Residual income affiliate marketing  – In residual income affiliate marketing, the affiliate gets paid not only once for every customer he has referred to the merchant’s site. Rather, the affiliate is also paid whenever the customer he has referred returns to the site and purchase another product. Compensation for such type of affiliate marketing is based on either sales percentage commission or fixed fee basis

So Where Do I Find Affiliate Marketing Programs?

Easy, here are a few ClickBankLinkshareCommission Junction and eJunkie. Also if you thinking of promoting a specfic product check the providers website. Normally there is a link at the bottom called “affiliates”, “partners” or something similar to those.

Affiliate Marketing Website Case Study

Recently I came across a site that I really liked and thought it would be a good case study to discuss. The site is HowLifeWorks, which is not my site, but I’ve built sites in a similar manner to this myself, which make me great commissions daily.

This style of site goes against what most affiliate marketing training would tell you to do, which is to find a specific niche and become an expert in that area and get your slice of the larger niche by targeting the micro niche.

This approach does work, and I also have quite a lot of sites that make me money with this approach, so I’m not saying either is better, but each style does have their advantages.

The style that the How Life Works site is employing, is a very general site, with no specific focus on any one niche or product, but rather has content on many niches. The domain allows them to pretty much discuss anything they want on the site, as the topic has something to do with life then it fits!!

You’ll notice that on that site they have many categories, such as business, finance, beauty, relationships, shopping, technology etc…and they run a lot of CPA offers on these pages.

With the CPA offers they can just swap them around at any time they like as long as the keyword phrase targeted is not a product specific one.

On that note a good network I have started with recently is Never Blue, they have loads of great offers and fantastic metrics for their affiliates.

The advantage of building a site that is not targeting any one specific niche is that you get a choice of topics you can write about and adding content to your site is endless. This is a great, because if some of the pages you build and do your SEO on don’t work out for you, then all is not lost, as you can just find more keywords and add more content and carry on.

If you build niche specific sites, you can run the risk of choosing a dud of a niche and struggling to be able to repair the site if it’s not working and be forced to start again with a new site. The problem with starting again with new sites all the time, is that they can take some time to gain trust with Google, whereas adding content to an older site with history in Google doesn’t have this problem as much.

Just to be clear though I do build niche specific sites also, as they do still work well, I’m sharing some ideas for other approaches in this post.

When I build sites I employ many different styles, depending on the potential I can see in a niche, and also with more affiliate marketing experience, I tend to be able to know if a niche will work or not, although not all sites work out as well as I had hoped, but that’s just business.

Hopefully sharing this website style helped sparks some ideas for you all!


Digital Marketing

Digital in 2013

6 trends that will shape digital in 2013
Digital marketing has already had its share of watershed moments. 2013 is not going to be "the year of the [fill in the blank]." Instead, 2013 is going to build on the digital accomplishments of the past. Our industry is going to continue its refinement based on consumer needs -- and not a marketer's desire to make something big happen

Something big has already happened.

6 trends that will shape digital in 2013
According to comScore, there are more than 1 trillion digital interactions monthly. For too long, our industry has relied on technological accomplishments to drive our business. Each new technology has generated opportunity, but all too often we focus on the coolness of the technology instead of focusing on the consumer benefit and how marketing fits in.
Digital is no longer a subset of the average person's life. Instead, it's just a part of everyday living that's expected and more accessible than ever. In 2013, marketers will need to embrace how consumers engage digitally and integrate their message accordingly. So what should you should you be looking for next year? Here are the trends you need to be watching if you want to keep up.
Smartphone and tablets divided
Smartphone and tablets are often lumped together in the mobile category, but usage and impact of these devices varies greatly. Smart marketers will start delineating their messaging accordingly.
Tablet usage tends to be more research and entertainment focused, whereas smartphone usage is more task focused. In 2013, we'll have more ways to target and identify device types and deliver better messaging. This not only applies to digital media opportunities, but also to your response goals and metrics as well.
Don't expect smartphone users to fill out long online forms or view a PDF with your product documentation. In turn, don't expect tablet users to print out long documents (most are still trying to figure out how to print from those devices) or use navigation tools to get to your location.
When you set goals for mobile, be sure they align with device capabilities. (And let's all be sure not to fall into the click-through rate trap again!)

The new shareable experience

Digital interactions have always been one-on-one. You don't use your computer or surf the web with other people watching over your shoulder. We don't invite friends over to gather around a computer to watch movies. But that's starting to change.
Today's mobile computer usage reminds me of the early days of digital photography. When people first started using digital cameras, the first thing they did after taking a picture was to quickly turn the camera around and show their friends the photo on the back of the camera. The same thing is now happening with mobile. Photos taken on smartphones are often shared with other people immediately via text, Facebook, Instagram, and via other means. This includes the people sitting on the couch next to them.
Tablets are often handed to friends to have them watch what the tablet owner just saw on YouTube. This is going to be further compounded as your tablet and television become even more integrated. Find what you want to share and slide it from your tablet to your TV for everyone in the room to enjoy. In 2013, marketers will be challenged to find new ways to encourage shareable moments -- and support them with the newest form of "send to a friend."

Death of the QR code

The QR code has struggled for years to gain adoption. It's a simple idea: QR codes gave us the ability to quickly get to detailed information by simply scanning a graphic. Great concept -- but a horrible experience for a variety of reasons.
First, code scanning isn't native on many devices. You have to download a special app, pull it up, and scan the image (assuming you're using a standard code). Then, you'll get a link to the desired information. For most of us, it's often a lot easier to type -- particularly for the text generation that can type faster with their thumbs than most of the secretarial staff on "Mad Men."
Second, marketers have, for the most part, fallen short on their implementation of QR codes. For those of you who have tried to scan a bar code, how many times are you brought to a home page, a non-mobile page, or a page that had the same info you just read when you scanned? Where's the benefit in that experience? So, unless code scanning becomes native in new devices and marketers start really using them for the intended purpose, QR codes will be going the way of Betamax.

Direct video sharing

With tools like Instagram and Snapchat, people have realized the power and fun of sharing images. In 2013, I expect we'll see opportunities to start sharing videos the same way. Marketers are going to jump at this opportunity by inserting pre-rolls, sponsor sharing, and other promotions.
However, the downside of this emerging phenomenon is that people will likely be sharing long, boring videos, and recipients will start to feel like people in the 1970s who were invited over to watch a slideshow of a recent vacation. Be on the lookout for my 2015 predictions that will talk about the demise of direct video sharing.

The privacy debate will get a verdict

There's been a lot of discussion about whether or not cookie tracking is an invasion of privacy, and in 2013, there will be some legislation either for or against cookie tracking. And either way, digital advertising will increase.
Without cookies, it might be less targeted, or cookies might even become more invasive. (After all, direct marketers have been using incredible levels of personal targeting data for years.). But in the end, digital is where your audiences are.
Marketers will still have a need to build awareness and increase purchase intent. How we do it might change, but the need and opportunity won't diminish. I encourage marketers not to waste a lot of effort complaining about how this works out. Instead, embrace the decision. Direct mail has always had more consumer data than we ever see, and broadcast has built a huge business on limited ratings data with limited audience detail. Digital marketing isn't going away. 

Increased focus on the social environment, instead of building a social platform

Marketers will finally tire of trying to manage and lead the conversation in social. They will instead focus on surrounding and participating in conversations.
Social media is about personal interaction and conversation, and people don't invite brands into those conversations. In 2013, we'll see a shift from brands trying to build their own social platforms; instead, they'll start participating in ways that provide consumer value.
Ideas from the traditional marketing world will begin to migrate to the social world. For example, a brand that might sponsor parties at spring break or align itself with a sporting event will seek and benefit from the same type of experience and exposure in social. I won't need to "like" or follow a brand; it will just be part of my social world like it is everywhere else (just like billboards at a stadium).


So perhaps there is a name for 2013, related back to a book written by Donald Norman in 1999. In 2013, digital marketing will be the "Year of the Invisible Computer." In his book, Norman predicted that technology would become invisible to the consumer, and his vision has become reality. People don't spend time thinking about how much computing power sits in their pocket; instead, they appreciate the ease of looking up movie times when they are out at dinner.
Digital marketers who succeed next year will be focused on the consumer benefit and not the technology they are using.